Monday, February 8, 2010

Happy 4 months!

Molly turned 4 months on the 5th! It's amazing to think that she is already 4 months old, can start on solid foods, almost sit up and is smiling and cooing up a storm! Time really has flown by and I'm just amazed on how much she has already grown! She is such a happy smiley baby who loves to be thrown in the air, kissed, tickled, sleep on her side and pet her dogs (she really does!). It's crazy to think there was a time in our life that she did not exist! It's almost like she has been a part of our family this entire time. She is now ready for solid foods and we've tried peas (not successful at all) and sweet potatoes, a mild victory, she ate quite a few spoonfuls, but was more content having a bottle...who's kid is this?! This was not Ryan at all! They are quite different I'm learning!

I'm also happy to report that going from 1 to 2 was NOT as hard as I thought or heard it would be! kids are 2 1/2 years apart and I'm sure that helps a bit, but honestly, things are "easy" (as easy as it can be w/ having 2 kids!). We are very thankful and very in love with our little girl!

well the Colts lost the Super Bowl, but we had a really good time at our friends, Josh and Cassie's house. It was a packed house with all of his family and her family! They both have really nice families and lots of kids for Molly and Ryan to play with! Of course we are disappointed by the loss, but I'm no fair weather fan and will still love them! The Saints pulled through and it was a good game and a fair win! Now Saints fans, be GOOD Winners, not sore winners as so many of you are being on facebook! We aren't sore losers, so don't you be sore winners!!! (ok that was mostly aimed at my brother-in-law!)

I bought the 30 Day Shred this weekend and it was hard, although I think the other dvd I got, The Last Chance Workout was a bit more difficult and 15 mins longer than the Shred. I will use both and try really hard at both (I'm a wimp!) so I can see results! I've also planned out my meals again for this week and have healthy food lined up to prepare! All new recipes, so I'll share which ones are good and which aren't! This healthy stuff is hard, but will be so worth it in the long run, not just for me, but for my family!

ok...I'm not the type of parent that brags about my kids or their "accomplishments" but seriously, aren't my kids cute? (that was a kind of hypocritical statement, but oh well!)


  1. Yes, your kids are too cute for words! And I just noticed Molly is wearing a Colts shirt. How stinking cute! Great job on the healthy foods you are creating. I wish I had the time and energy, but being pregnant, this is the only time I can eat whatever I want and not feel guilty about it. So eat I will!

    Are you a scrapbooker? Because that 4 month picture that you posted of her looks like a great scrapbook pic! I love to scrapbook, but haven't done it in a while. I need to catch up.
