Wednesday, October 27, 2010

now is the time to buy

from me. Yup it's official. I'm a licensed Real Estate Salesperson. Next step. Get that desired title of Realtor. What's the difference between Salesperson and Realtor? Salesperson can buy and sell houses, but a Realtor is something you have to earn. It's basically stating that you operate under high ethics, morals and standards. You have to earn this by going to the Association of Realtors and becoming a member. Never knew there was a difference did you?

I am now going to be working for:

The Swartz Team to be specific. This (as of now) for me is a smart idea. I get my desk fees paid for and get to work along side a seasoned pro (40+ years experience) and get a chance to learn and then grow. Eventually I want to do this full time. We need my income right now and I do plan to try and cut back my hours after the Holidays. Hopefully my boss will allow that to happen. I can then focus on my career path of being a realtor and ditch the day job. I'm excited and nervous and happy to see my dreams become a reality.

Also, I ignore the naysayers about this being a bad time to start (ok winter months is not exactly the best time, but that's not what I'm talking about). I believe in a God who provides and blesses. (enough said)

**now it's time for my self promotion. If you or someone you know is looking to buy or sell have them give me a call! (which reminds me, I really need to change my cell number so it has the correct area code of where I'm residing...)


  1. HOORAY!!! I'm so excited for you! Too bad we're not buying a house. Or in Indiana. :) I pray you sell lots of houses!!


  2. Congratulations! That's a huge accomplishment.
