How far along? 36 weeks (almost full term!)
Total weight gain: Still not sure, but I was told I lost 3lbs (thanks flu!)
Maternity clothes? Jeans, a few shirts...but mostly regular clothes!
Sleep: Varies. I'm falling asleep earlier, thankfully, but I'm up a few times a night going to the bathroom or suffering from acid reflux!
Best moment this week: When my Midwife confirmed he did indeed drop and was head down!
Miss Anything? Bending over to pick things up!
Movement: Lots and it hurts, he gets the hiccups often during the day!
Food cravings: Can't really think of anything, what sounds good changes from day to day.
Anything making you queasy or sick: Nope
Gender: BOY!
Labor Signs: Lots of pressure down there (LOTS!), more Braxton Hicks
Belly Button in or out? Still in!
Wedding rings on or off? Wedding ring on, engagement ring off...normally by the end of the day or if I'm standing too long I swell up like a balloon!
Happy or Moody most of the time: Less Moody this week...but I would say more Moody than Happy!
Looking forward to: Getting Molly her big girl bed this week and moving the crib into Ryan's room and setting everything up for that!
I also need to pack my bags for the Birth Center and start cleaning/setting up the swing and pack-n-play, carseat and other baby items! Time is getting so close and I feel so unprepared with this one! I mean, I'm 36 weeks and I still don't have Molly out of her crib (he'll be sleeping in our room for awhile, but still....) and clothes put away. Although, my amazing friend Andrea and I went to the Laundromat in my town and we knocked out all my clothes and bedding in like 2 1/2 hours!!! I washed ALL of Ryan's old clothes from 0 months-12 months! Plus sheets, towels, blankets, and new clothes that we bought for the baby! It was so nice to get it all done in one to put it all away!!
I'm not sure why I'm slacking this time around. I'm just tired. With working (that includes part-time job, being at home AND my real estate business, which has been busy!) I'm worn out and just haven't had time to do baby things--but realizing the baby has dropped and my Midwife says maybe 38 weeks and not 41 or 42 weeks for labor--I need to get on the ball! This weekend we are getting Molly's mattress/box spring, putting her bed together in her room (we already have the frame/headboard/baseboard) and moving the crib into Ryan's room and rearranging that, PLUS I'm getting Maternity pictures taken by my friend Kandi. I'm getting big and time is running out! I've never gotten those kind of pictures taken, so I'm excited. It's our last and I want to do some things we've never done before! The next few weeks will be baby devoted. Laundry, cleaning, packing, preparing, preparing, preparing!!!
I'd like to chill for a few days before he decides to come! Thank goodness I have a lot of help and support or I'd feel extremely overwhelmed!
Can't wait to get things done this weekend and my next visit on Tuesday, hopefully he's dropped more! I also can't wait to start taking my Evening Primrose oil capsuls! Let's thin this cervix out!!
Yay I can't wait for him to arrive!!! So are he and Ryan going to be sharing a room?