Wednesday, November 28, 2012


'Tis the season! My favorite time of the year! However, this year has been a little...different.

(normally I would never post this icky of a picture of me, but I earned that red, sweaty, make-up free face!)
Thanksgiving was good. I ran my FIRST race ever! The Galloping Gobbler, 4 mile run. My dad did it with me and I'm so glad he did. It was so nice to have him run by my side! The race was crowded. Over 2,000 participants. The course was through a cemetery that had lots of hills. The problem was the road in the cemetery wasn't very wide, so it got congested easily. I wanted to do it in a 10 min. mile. 40 minutes or less. My time was 41.25. Talk about disappointment! I'm not sure if I'm being hard on myself or what, but I was really upset with the time. Sure, it was technically still a 10 min. mile, but not my goal. My friends were telling me I did great. It WAS my first race ever and I've only been running for about 2 months in my ENTIRE life....but I'm a bit competitive...even if it's with myself! Anyway, after the race I got ready and headed to my parents, where we always have Thanksgiving. There were about 40 people there including my in-laws. It just felt different with Jimmy gone. Felt like just another day that he wasn't there, missing important things.

Thankfully, he won't be missing Christmas! They get what is called, "Christmas Exodus" and are able to come home on December 20th and stay till January 2nd! I have been decorating since after Thanksgiving, and I'm STILL not done! I have decided to change up my style, slowly and one piece at a time. This will be our 10th Christmas together as a married couple and most of my things are 10 years old! I decided to do some DIY projects and will do more at a DIY party this weekend! I can't wait for Jimmy to see all the changes, I hope he enjoys them as much as the kids and I do! Here is one of the things I made, pom pom garland! (the stockings are new too!)

Will post more pictures of things soon. Just felt like it's been awhile and I needed to catch up with things going on with us. We're doing good. Jimmy has been gone almost a month and things, so far have gone pretty smoothly. It's only been a month though, I sure hope things continue to go smoothly for another 7 months! I'm just not sure how much I'm cut out for this military wife thing, but I know he's enjoying being at Basic and is really happy how supportive I'm being! I follow a FB page that is for his company and the Drill Sergent's wives keep up the page with pictures and what they are doing that day and things to get to know everyone. Out of hundreds of people, they finally posted some pictures of Jimmy...which was so comforting and the kids love seeing their Dad. I will say, he was NOT meant to have a shaved head! Thankfully, once he's out of basic he can keep it a little longer :)
(I edited the pic and blurred out the rest of the people)
21 more days till I see my man...just 21 more days!! (then he's gone till July!) This post is random and has no real one, all about my DIY projects! I'm in the crafting mood! (Thanks to my lovely cousins who did a craft for Thanksgiving and I loved doing it!)

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